To learn more, visit the Hyperproof documentation.


Can LinkIf true, only returns controls to which the requesting user has link permission.
Expand ScopesIf true, includes scope controls as well as parent controls.
Expand TeamsIf true, includes team controls as well as parent controls.
StatusFilters results by the provided object status.

Example Output

[    {        "id": "d88d505d-5199-11ee-a644-522476618ae8",        "orgId": "ce83e3cd-5199-11ee-a644-522476618ae8",        "controlType": "scopeAssignment",        "controlIdentifier": "SOC2-P4.1.1_Legal",        "name": "Include in the privacy notice the use of collected personal information",        "scopeName": "Legal",        "description": "The privacy notice identifies the use of collected personal information.",        "notes": "",        "domainId": "d7cf0a26-5199-11ee-a644-522476618ae8",        "domainName": "Privacy",        "freshnessPolicy": "manual",        "freshForDuration": "PT720H",        "freshness": "fresh",        "implementation": "inProgress",        "testingStatus": "effective",        "testingDeficiency": [],        "computeTestingStatus": false,        "automation": "partial",        "health": "notAvailable",        "overrideHealth": false,        "owner": {            "id": "d2363cab-5199-11ee-a644-522476618ae8",            "type": "activeUser",            "userId": "82d7c228-8bcd-11e9-a94b-ab3de8494987",            "email": "",            "givenName": "Jane",            "surname": "Doe",            "language": "en",            "locale": "US",            "timeZone": "America/Los_Angeles",            "status": "active"        },        "customFields": [            {                "fieldId": "ceb912ab-519b-11ee-a644-522476618ae8",                "fieldName": "Sponsor",                "fieldType": "text",                "textValue": "John Smith"            }        ],        "status": "active",        "createdBy": "82d7c228-8bcd-11e9-a94b-ab3de8494987",        "createdOn": "2023-09-12T18:26:10.005365Z",        "updatedBy": "82d7c228-8bcd-11e9-a94b-ab3de8494987",        "updatedOn": "2023-09-12T18:26:10.005365Z",        "permissions": []    }]

Workflow Library Example

List Controls with Hyperproof and Send Results Via Email

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