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Add Task

Adds a new task to an organization. User must have the task.update scope.

External Documentation

To learn more, visit the Hyperproof documentation.

Basic Parameters

Assignee IDThe unique identifier of the assignee of the task.
DescriptionThe description of the task.
Due DateThe due date of the task.
PriorityThe priority of the task.
TitleThe title of the task.

Advanced Parameters

Has IntegrationWhether the task has an integration.
Target Object IDThe unique identifier of the target object.
Target Object Object TypeThe object type of the target object.

Example Output

"id": "ba50096d-bbfa-47af-94a7-092b0984cf35",
"orgId": "4c05da3f-f076-461c-8105-80a07a42ab7f",
"title": "Submit the latest employee agreements",
"description": "The latest employee agreements are needed for the upcoming audit.",
"assigneeId": "ad21d858-c271-4c6d-8780-fecf6b16e534",
"targetId": "23b802db-bad2-4f7a-b8d1-ac1177909992",
"targetType": "control",
"taskStatusId": "e2303b2b-5ee4-4354-92de-dfacd1d33f09",
"priority": "medium",
"sortOrder": 123,
"dueDate": "2020-12-17T20:00:00Z",
"createdOn": "2020-12-17T20:00:00Z",
"updatedOn": "2020-12-17T20:00:00Z"

Workflow Library Example

Add Task with Hyperproof and Send Results Via Email

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