Adds a new label to an organization. User must have the label.update scope.

External Documentation

To learn more, visit the Hyperproof documentation.


DescriptionThe description of the label.
Label NameThe name of the label.

Example Output

	"id": "string",
	"orgId": "string",
	"name": "string",
	"description": "string",
	"freshnessPolicy": "string",
	"freshForDuration": "string",
	"createdBy": {
		"id": "string",
		"email": "string",
		"givenName": "string",
		"surname": "string",
		"profilePhotoName": "string",
		"userId": "string",
		"roleIds": [
		"state": "string"
	"createdOn": "string",
	"updatedBy": {
		"id": "string",
		"email": "string",
		"givenName": "string",
		"surname": "string",
		"profilePhotoName": "string",
		"userId": "string",
		"roleIds": [
		"state": "string"
	"updatedOn": "string",
	"status": "string",
	"permissions": [

Workflow Library Example

Add Label with Hyperproof and Send Results Via Email

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