Basic Parameters

Problem IDThe ID of the required problem.

Advanced Parameters

Next Page KeyThe cursor for the next page of results. You can find it in the nextPageKey field of the previous response.The first page is always returned if you don’t specify the nextPageKey query parameter.When the nextPageKey is set to obtain subsequent pages, you must omit all other query parameters except the optional fields parameter.
Page SizeThe amount of comments in a single response payload.The maximal allowed page size is 500.If not set, 10 is used.

Example Output

{    "comments": [        {            "authorName": "The user who wrote the comment.",            "content": "The text of the comment.",            "context": "The context of the comment.",            "createdAtTimestamp": 0,            "id": "The ID of the comment."        }    ],    "nextPageKey": "AQAAABQBAAAABQ==",    "pageSize": 0,    "totalCount": 0}

Workflow Library Example

Get Problem Comments with Dynatrace and Send Results Via Email

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