Basic Parameters

Problem IDThe ID of the required problem.

Advanced Parameters

FieldsA list of additional problem properties you can add to the response.The following properties are available (all other properties are always included and you can’t remove them from the response):- evidenceDetails: The details of the root cause.
  • impactAnalysis: The impact analysis of the problem on other entities/users.
  • recentComments: A list of the most recent comments to the problem.To add properties, specify them as a comma-separated list (for example, evidenceDetails,impactAnalysis). |

Example Output

{    "affectedEntities": [        {            "entityId": {                "id": "The ID of the entity.",                "type": "The type of the entity."            },            "name": "The name of the entity. \n\n Not included in the response in case no entity with the relevant ID was found."        }    ],    "displayId": "The display ID of the problem.",    "endTime": 0,    "entityTags": [        {            "context": "The origin of the tag, such as AWS or Cloud Foundry. \n\n Custom tags use the `CONTEXTLESS` value.",            "key": "The key of the tag.",            "stringRepresentation": "The string representation of the tag.",            "value": "The value of the tag."        }    ],    "evidenceDetails": {        "details": [            {                "displayName": "The display name of the evidence.",                "entity": {                    "entityId": {                        "id": "The ID of the entity.",                        "type": "The type of the entity."                    },                    "name": "The name of the entity. \n\n Not included in the response in case no entity with the relevant ID was found."                },                "evidenceType": "Defines the actual set of fields depending on the value. See one of the following objects: \n\n* `EVENT` -\u003e EventEvidence \n* `METRIC` -\u003e MetricEvidence \n* `TRANSACTIONAL` -\u003e TransactionalEvidence \n* `MAINTENANCE_WINDOW` -\u003e MaintenanceWindowEvidence \n* `AVAILABILITY_EVIDENCE` -\u003e AvailabilityEvidence \n",                "groupingEntity": {                    "entityId": {                        "id": "The ID of the entity.",                        "type": "The type of the entity."                    },                    "name": "The name of the entity. \n\n Not included in the response in case no entity with the relevant ID was found."                },                "rootCauseRelevant": false,                "startTime": 0            }        ],        "totalCount": 0    },    "impactAnalysis": {        "impacts": [            {                "estimatedAffectedUsers": 0,                "impactType": "Defines the actual set of fields depending on the value. See one of the following objects: \n\n* `SERVICE` -\u003e ServiceImpact \n* `APPLICATION` -\u003e ApplicationImpact \n* `MOBILE` -\u003e MobileImpact \n* `CUSTOM_APPLICATION` -\u003e CustomApplicationImpact \n",                "impactedEntity": {                    "entityId": {                        "id": "The ID of the entity.",                        "type": "The type of the entity."                    },                    "name": "The name of the entity. \n\n Not included in the response in case no entity with the relevant ID was found."                }            }        ]    },    "impactLevel": "The impact level of the problem. It shows what is affected by the problem.",    "impactedEntities": [        {            "entityId": {                "id": "The ID of the entity.",                "type": "The type of the entity."            },            "name": "The name of the entity. \n\n Not included in the response in case no entity with the relevant ID was found."        }    ],    "linkedProblemInfo": {        "displayId": "The display ID of the problem.",        "problemId": "The ID of the problem."    },    "managementZones": [        {            "id": "The ID of the management zone.",            "name": "The name of the management zone."        }    ],    "problemFilters": [        {            "id": "The ID of the alerting profile.",            "name": "The name of the alerting profile."        }    ],    "problemId": "The ID of the problem.",    "recentComments": {        "comments": [            {                "authorName": "The user who wrote the comment.",                "content": "The text of the comment.",                "context": "The context of the comment.",                "createdAtTimestamp": 0,                "id": "The ID of the comment."            }        ],        "nextPageKey": "AQAAABQBAAAABQ==",        "pageSize": 0,        "totalCount": 0    },    "rootCauseEntity": {        "entityId": {            "id": "The ID of the entity.",            "type": "The type of the entity."        },        "name": "The name of the entity. \n\n Not included in the response in case no entity with the relevant ID was found."    },    "severityLevel": "The severity of the problem.",    "startTime": 0,    "status": "The status of the problem.",    "title": "The name of the problem, displayed in the UI."}

Workflow Library Example

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