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Get Event

Gets the properties of an event.


Event IDThe ID of the required event.

Example Output

"correlationId": "933613657e1c8fcf",
"endTime": 1564039524182,
"entityId": {
"entityId": {
"id": "The ID of the entity.",
"type": "The type of the entity."
"name": "The name of the entity. \n\n Not included in the response in case no entity with the relevant ID was found."
"entityTags": [
"context": "The origin of the tag, such as AWS or Cloud Foundry. \n\n Custom tags use the `CONTEXTLESS` value.",
"key": "The key of the tag.",
"stringRepresentation": "The string representation of the tag.",
"value": "The value of the tag."
"eventId": "4293884258445543163_1564039524182",
"eventType": "LOW_DISK_SPACE",
"frequentEvent": false,
"managementZones": [
"id": "The ID of the management zone.",
"name": "The name of the management zone."
"properties": [
"key": "The key of the event property.",
"value": "The value of the event property."
"startTime": 1564039524182,
"status": "OPEN",
"suppressAlert": false,
"suppressProblem": false,
"title": "High CPU load on host X",
"underMaintenance": false

Workflow Library Example

Get Event with Dynatrace and Send Results Via Email

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