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List Personnel

List personnel given the search terms and filters.

Basic Parameters

Employment StatusFilter data to personnel of this employment status.
Employment StatusesFilter data to personnel of these employment statuses.
Group IDGroup to find personnel by.
Inverse Mdm Source TypesInverse filter data to personnel of these Mdm source types.
Mdm Source TypeFilter data to personnel of this Mdm source type.
Multi Training Compliance TypeType of training campaigns (default: SECURITY_TRAINING).

Advanced Parameters

Accepted Policies ComplianceFilter personnel by accepted policies compliance.
Agent Installed ComplianceFilter personnel by monitor agent installation compliance.
Antivirus ComplianceFilter personnel by antivirus compliance.
Auto Updates ComplianceFilter personnel by auto updates compliance.
Device ComplianceFilter personnel by their device compliance.
Hipaa Training ComplianceFilter personnel by HIPAA Training compliance.
Identity Mfa ComplianceFilter personnel by identity MFA compliance.
LimitHow many items are your requesting.
Location Services ComplianceFilter personnel by location services compliance.
Multi Security Training ComplianceFilter personnel by their training compliance.
Next PageThe next page Uri.
Offboarding EvidenceFilter personnel by their offboarding evidence compliance.
PageWhich page of data are you requesting.
Password Manager ComplianceFilter personnel by password manager compliance.
QueryFilter data by searching for first name, last name, full name, or email.
Security Training ComplianceFilter personnel by security training compliance.
SortWhich type of sort (default: NAME).

Example Output

"data": [],
"dataAll": {},
"limit": 10,
"nextPage": "d2lraS9hcGkvdjIvcGFnZXM/bGltaXQ9MTAmY3Vyc29yPWV5SnBaQ0k2SWpJM05USTJPVGdpTENKamIyNTBSUGNtUmxjbFpoYkhWbElqb3lOelV5TmprNGZRPT0=",
"page": 1,
"total": 100

Workflow Library Example

List Personnel with Drata and Send Results Via Email

Workflow LibraryPreview this Workflow on desktop