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Get Control Owners

Get control owners for a control.

Basic Parameters

Control ID-
Exclude IDExclude user by id.
Framework SlugFilter data by controls associated with this framework slug.
Include User IDA user to return.
QueryUser first name, or last name, or email, or full name.

Advanced Parameters

LimitHow many items are your requesting.
Next PageThe next page Uri.
PageWhich page of data are you requesting.

Example Output

"data": [],
"limit": 10,
"nextPage": "d2lraS9hcGkvdjIvcGFnZXM/bGltaXQ9MTAmY3Vyc29yPWV5SnBaQ0k2SWpJM05USTJPVGdpTENKamIyNTBSUGNtUmxjbFpoYkhWbElqb3lOelV5TmprNGZRPT0=",
"page": 1,
"total": 100

Workflow Library Example

Get Control Owners with Drata and Send Results Via Email

Workflow LibraryPreview this Workflow on desktop