
Control ID-
Workspace IDThe Workspace ID associated to the Account.

Example Output

{    "activity": "1. Ensure tools are implemented to monitor databases",    "archivedAt": "2020-07-06 12:00:00.000000",    "code": "DCF-1002",    "description": "Drata has implemented tools to monitor Drata's databases and notify appropriate personnel of any events or incidents based on predetermined criteria. Incidents are escalated per policy.",    "fk_control_template_id": "123",    "hasEvidence": true,    "hasTicket": "true",    "id": "123",    "isReady": "true",    "lastUpdatedBy": "User",    "name": "Databases Monitored and Alarmed",    "question": "Does the organization implement tools to monitor its databases and notify appropriate personnel of incidents based on predetermined criteria?",    "slug": "databases-monitored-and-alarmed",    "updatedAt": "2020-07-06 12:00:00.000000"}

Workflow Library Example

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