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Find Control External Evidence

Get all mapped external evidence to a control.

Basic Parameters

Control ID-
Exclude IDExclude external evidence by evidence id.

Advanced Parameters

LimitHow many items are your requesting.
Next PageThe next page Uri.
PageWhich page of data are you requesting.

Example Output

"data": [],
"limit": 10,
"nextPage": "d2lraS9hcGkvdjIvcGFnZXM/bGltaXQ9MTAmY3Vyc29yPWV5SnBaQ0k2SWpJM05USTJPVGdpTENKamIyNTBSUGNtUmxjbFpoYkhWbElqb3lOelV5TmprNGZRPT0=",
"page": 1,
"total": 100

Workflow Library Example

Find Control External Evidence with Drata and Send Results Via Email

Workflow LibraryPreview this Workflow on desktop