To learn more, visit the Delinea documentation.


Max RecordsMaximum number of records to include in results.
Search By TextSearch term to match against folder names. Search returns any folder where the search term is contained in the folder name.

Example Output

{    "batchCount": 0,    "currentPage": 0,    "hasNext": true,    "hasPrev": true,    "nextSkip": 0,    "pageCount": 0,    "prevSkip": 0,    "records": [        {            "folderName": "string",            "folderPath": "string",            "folderTypeId": 0,            "id": 0,            "inheritPermissions": true,            "inheritSecretPolicy": true,            "parentFolderId": 0,            "secretPolicyId": 0        }    ],    "severity": "None",    "skip": 0,    "sortBy": [        {            "direction": "None",            "name": "string",            "priority": 0        }    ],    "success": true,    "take": 0,    "total": 0}

Workflow Library Example

Search Folders with Delinea and Send Results Via Email

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