To learn more, visit the Delinea documentation.


Secret IDSecret ID. Can be retrieved from the ‘Get All Secrets’ action.

Example Output

{    "expirationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",    "expirationDayInterval": 0,    "expirationTemplateText": "string",    "expirationType": "Template",    "jumpboxRouteSelection": {        "active": true,        "description": "string",        "jumpboxRouteId": "e06e63ab-8db3-4954-babd-04b9413082e5",        "name": "string"    },    "oneTimePasswordSettings": {        "backupCodes": "string",        "dateChanged": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",        "enabled": true,        "enabledOnTemplate": true,        "key": "string"    },    "rdpLauncherSettings": {        "allowClipboard": "No",        "allowDrives": "No",        "allowPrinters": "No",        "allowSmartCards": "No",        "connectToConsole": "No",        "launcherHeight": 0,        "launcherWidth": 0,        "useCustomLauncherResolution": "No"    },    "sendEmailWhenChanged": true,    "sendEmailWhenHeartbeatFails": true,    "sendEmailWhenViewed": true,    "sshLauncherSettings": {        "canConnectAsCredentials": true,        "launcherType": "ConnectAsSecret",        "secretId": 0,        "secretName": "string",        "sshKeyExtendedTypeId": 0    }}

Workflow Library Example

Get Secret Settings with Delinea and Send Results Via Email

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