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Get Secret State

Retrieve state about a Secret such as whether it requires approval, doublelock, checkout, or other restricted actions to be performed before calling the get the secret.

External Documentation

To learn more, visit the Delinea documentation.


Secret IDSecret ID. Can be retrieved from the 'Get All Secrets' action.

Example Output

"actions": [
"approvalEnd": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"availableActions": {
"extendCheckOut": true
"checkedOutUserDisplayName": "string",
"checkedOutUserId": 0,
"checkOutIntervalMinutes": 0,
"checkOutMinutesRemaining": 0,
"folderId": 0,
"folderName": "string",
"id": 0,
"inheritPermissions": true,
"isActive": true,
"isCheckedOut": true,
"isCheckedOutByCurrentUser": true,
"passwordChangeFailed": true,
"passwordChangePending": true,
"remainingTimeWarningMinuteMarker": 0,
"role": "string",
"secretName": "string",
"secretState": "None",
"warningMinutesRemaining": 0

Workflow Library Example

Get Secret State with Delinea and Send Results Via Email

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