To learn more, visit the Delinea documentation.


Max RecordsMaximum number of records to include in results.
User IDUser ID. Can be retrieved from the ‘List Users’ action.

Example Output

{    "batchCount": 0,    "currentPage": 0,    "hasNext": true,    "hasPrev": true,    "nextSkip": 0,    "pageCount": 0,    "prevSkip": 0,    "records": [        {            "groups": [                {                    "groupId": 0,                    "groupName": "string"                }            ],            "isDirectAssignment": true,            "roleId": 0,            "roleName": "string"        }    ],    "severity": "None",    "skip": 0,    "sortBy": [        {            "direction": "None",            "name": "string",            "priority": 0        }    ],    "success": true,    "take": 0,    "total": 0}

Workflow Library Example

Get User Roles with Delinea and Send Results Via Email

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