To learn more, visit the Azure documentation.

Basic Parameters

Machine NameThe name of the hybrid machine. Can be obtained by the List Hybrid Machines action.
Resource Group NameThe name of the resource group.
Subscription IDThe ID of the target subscription.

Advanced Parameters

Expand Instance ViewExpand the data returned about the instance view of the hybrid machine.

Example Output

{    "id": "/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/myResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.HybridCompute/machines/myMachine",    "name": "myMachine",    "location": "eastus2euap",    "tags": null,    "identity": {        "type": "SystemAssigned",        "principalId": "string",        "tenantId": "string"    },    "type": "Microsoft.HybridCompute/machines",    "kind": null,    "properties": {        "provisioningState": "Succeeded",        "agentVersion": null,        "status": null,        "lastStatusChange": null,        "errorDetails": null,        "displayName": null,        "machineFqdn": null,        "vmUuid": null,        "osSku": null,        "osEdition": "Standard",        "domainName": null,        "adFqdn": null,        "dnsFqdn": null,        "osVersion": null,        "osType": null,        "osProfile": {            "computerName": null,            "windowsConfiguration": {                "patchSettings": {                    "assessmentMode": null,                    "patchMode": null                }            },            "linuxConfiguration": {                "patchSettings": {                    "assessmentMode": null,                    "patchMode": null                }            }        },        "licenseProfile": {            "licenseStatus": "Licensed",            "licenseChannel": "PSG",            "softwareAssurance": {                "softwareAssuranceCustomer": true            },            "esuProfile": {                "licenseAssignmentState": "Assigned",                "esuEligibility": "Ineligible",                "serverType": "Standard",                "esuKeyState": "Inactive",                "esuKeys": [                    {                        "sku": "skuNumber1",                        "licenseStatus": "licenseStatus1"                    },                    {                        "sku": "skuNumber2",                        "licenseStatus": "licenseStatus2"                    }                ]            },            "productProfile": {                "subscriptionStatus": "Enabled",                "productType": "WindowsServer",                "billingStartDate": "2023-10-05T20:36:49.745Z",                "enrollmentDate": "2023-10-05T20:36:49.745Z",                "disenrollmentDate": "2023-11-05T20:36:49.745Z",                "productFeatures": [                    {                        "name": "HotPatching",                        "subscriptionStatus": "Enabled",                        "billingStartDate": "2023-10-05T20:36:49.745Z",                        "enrollmentDate": "2023-10-05T20:36:49.745Z",                        "disenrollmentDate": "2023-11-05T20:36:49.745Z"                    }                ]            }        },        "vmId": "b7a098cc-b0b8-46e8-a205-62f301a62a8f",        "locationData": {            "name": "Redmond",            "city": "redmond",            "district": null,            "countryOrRegion": "usa"        },        "clientPublicKey": "string",        "parentClusterResourceId": "{AzureStackHCIResourceId}",        "mssqlDiscovered": "false",        "detectedProperties": {            "cloudprovider": "N/A",            "manufacturer": "Microsoft Corporation",            "model": "Virtual Machine"        },        "agentConfiguration": {            "proxyUrl": "https://test.test",            "incomingConnectionsPorts": [                "22",                "23"            ],            "extensionsAllowList": null,            "extensionsBlockList": null,            "proxyBypass": [                "proxy1",                "proxy2"            ],            "extensionsEnabled": "true",            "guestConfigurationEnabled": "true",            "configMode": "full"        },        "serviceStatuses": {            "extensionService": {                "status": "Running",                "startupType": "Automatic"            },            "guestConfigurationService": {                "status": "Running",                "startupType": "Automatic"            }        },        "privateLinkScopeResourceId": "/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/myResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.HybridCompute/privateLinkScopes/privateLinkScopeName",        "networkProfile": {            "networkInterfaces": [                {                    "ipAddresses": [                        {                            "address": "",                            "ipAddressVersion": "IPv4",                            "subnet": {                                "addressPrefix": ""                            }                        }                    ]                },                {                    "ipAddresses": [                        {                            "address": "1001:0:34aa:5000:1234:aaaa:bbbb:cccc",                            "ipAddressVersion": "IPv6",                            "subnet": {                                "addressPrefix": "1001:0:34aa:5000::/64"                            }                        }                    ]                }            ]        }    },    "resources": []}

Workflow Library Example

Get Hybrid Machine with Azure and Send Results Via Email

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