
The Run Azure Cloud Query Action performs Steampipe queries on Azure resources with a powerful and simple PostgreSQL syntax.

For example, fetching all Active Directory guest users:

select  display_name,  user_principal_name,  mail,  user_type,  usage_locationfrom  azure_ad_userwhere  user_type = 'Guest';

A complicated action such as fetching the Active Directory Password Profiles of each users in your account:

select  display_name,  user_principal_name,  additional_properties -> 'passwordProfile' -> 'enforceChangePasswordPolicy' as enforce_change_password_policy,  additional_properties -> 'passwordProfile' -> 'forceChangePasswordNextLogin' as change_password_next_loginfrom  azure_ad_user;

A query to get a list of compute images where disk storage type is Premium_LRS:

select  name,  split_part(disk -> 'managedDisk' ->> 'id', '/', 9) as disk_name,  disk ->> 'storageAccountType' as storage_account_type,  disk ->> 'diskSizeGB' as disk_size_gb,  disk ->> 'caching' as cachingfrom  azure_compute_image  cross join jsonb_array_elements(storage_profile_data_disks) as diskwhere  disk ->> 'storageAccountType' = 'Premium_LRS';

A full description of all existing tables and official examples are provided here:

Blink’s supported Steampipe version is: v0.45.0.

Action Parameters

SQL statementThe SQL statement we wish to use to query the resource.
Output formatRepresentation of the output result. The possible options are “Table”, “CSV” or “JSON”.

This action does not support Azure Oauth connections.