Creates a container registry with the specified parameters.

External Documentation

To learn more, visit the Azure documentation.

Basic Parameters

LocationThe location of the resource. This cannot be changed after the resource is created.
Registry NameThe name of the container registry.
Resource Group NameThe name of the resource group to which the container registry belongs.
Sku NameThe SKU name of the container registry. Required for registry creation.
Subscription IDThe Microsoft Azure subscription ID.

Advanced Parameters

IDThe resource ID.
NameThe name of the resource.
Network Rule Set Default ActionThe default action of allow or deny when no other rules match.
Network Rule Set IP RulesThe IP ACL rules.
Network Rule Set Virtual Network RulesThe virtual network rules.
Properties Admin User EnabledThe value that indicates whether the admin user is enabled.
Properties Creation DateThe creation date of the container registry in ISO8601 format.
Properties Login ServerThe URL that can be used to log into the container registry.
Properties Provisioning StateThe provisioning state of the container registry at the time the operation was called.
Quarantine Policy StatusThe value that indicates whether the policy is enabled or not.
Retention Policy DaysThe number of days to retain an untagged manifest after which it gets purged.
Retention Policy Last Updated TimeThe timestamp when the policy was last updated.
Retention Policy StatusThe value that indicates whether the policy is enabled or not.
Sku TierThe SKU tier based on the SKU name.
Status Display StatusThe short label for the status.
Status MessageThe detailed message for the status, including alerts and error messages.
Status TimestampThe timestamp when the status was changed to the current value.
Storage Account IDThe resource ID of the storage account.
TagsThe tags of the resource.
Trust Policy StatusThe value that indicates whether the policy is enabled or not.
Trust Policy TypeThe type of trust policy.
TypeThe type of the resource.

Example Output

	"id": "The resource ID.",
	"location": "The location of the resource. This cannot be changed after the resource is created.",
	"name": "The name of the resource.",
	"tags": {},
	"type": "The type of the resource."

Workflow Library Example

Create Container Registry with Azure and Send Results Via Email

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