To learn more, visit the Azure documentation.

Basic Parameters

Assignment IDThe ID of exemption assignment. This is the ID of the policy that will be exempt. You can find it in the overview of the policy in the Azure dashboard.
Exemption NameThe name of the policy exemption.
Exemption TypeThe type of exemption.
ScopeThe scope of the policy exemption. For more information about policy exemptions scopes see Azure documentation.

Advanced Parameters

DescriptionThe description of the policy exemption.
Display NameThe display name of the policy exemption.
ExpiryThe expiry date of the policy exemption.
MetadataThe policy exemption metadata. Metadata is an open ended object of key-value properties of the policy exemption.For Example:{ "reason": "Temporary exemption for a expensive VM demo"}
Policy Definition IDsA comma-separated list of policy definition reference ID list when the policy assignment is an assignment of a policy set definition.
Resource SelectorsA list of Resource Selector objects of the policy exemption.For Example:[ { "name": "SDPRegions", "selectors": [ { "kind": "resourceLocation", "in": [ "eastus2euap", "centraluseuap" ] } ] }]
Scope ValidationThe assignment scope validation of the policy exemption.

Example Output

{    "properties": {        "policyAssignmentId": "/subscriptions/ae640e6b-ba3e-4256-9d62-2993eecfa6f2/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments/CostManagement",        "policyDefinitionReferenceIds": [            "Limit_Skus"        ],        "exemptionCategory": "Waiver",        "displayName": "Exempt demo cluster",        "description": "Exempt demo cluster from limit sku",        "metadata": {            "reason": "Temporary exemption for a expensive VM demo"        }    },    "systemData": {        "createdBy": "string",        "createdByType": "User",        "createdAt": "2020-07-01T01:01:01.1075056Z",        "lastModifiedBy": "string",        "lastModifiedByType": "User",        "lastModifiedAt": "2020-07-01T01:01:01.1075056Z"    },    "id": "/subscriptions/ae640e6b-ba3e-4256-9d62-2993eecfa6f2/resourceGroups/demoCluster/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyExemptions/DemoExpensiveVM",    "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/policyExemptions",    "name": "DemoExpensiveVM"}

Workflow Library Example

Create or Update Policy Exemption with Azure and Send Results Via Email

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