An alert signifies a security issue received from a 3rd party security service provider.

Creating a New Alert


Please note that you can assign multiple alerts to a single case or a single alert to many cases.

  1. Double click on the Case you want to attach the Alert(s) to, navigate to the Table Tab in the Overview Section of the selected Case, and in the top-right conner select the New Record button.
  1. A New Record dialogue box will open.
  1. Fill in all the necessary fields.
NameThe name assigned to the alert.
EventThe event associated with the alert.
SeverityThe severity rank of your Case. It can be: Low, Medium, High or Critical
VendorThe Vendor associated with the alert.
Alert TypeThe alert category type.
DescriptionA brief explanation explaining the alert.
ProcessedA checkbox to mark the alert as processed; check to mark as processed, uncheck to mark as unprocessed.
Template ExistsIndicates whether the alert has been ingested into the system.
Linked CasesThe Name and ID of the Case(s) you want to link to this current alert.
Linked ObservablesThe Name and ID of the Observable(s) you want to link to this current alert.
Linked AttachmentsThe Name and ID of the Attachment(s) you want to link to this current alert.
Linked TasksThe Name and ID of the Task(s) you want to link to this current alert.
  1. Once completed, select the Add Record button in the bottom-right corner.