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Get Alert

Get details of a specific alert(s). Select the field, operation and enter the value by which to search for the alert(s).

External Documentation

To learn more, visit the Medigate documentation.


FieldSpecify the field by which to search for alert(s).
FieldsSpecify which fields to return for each item.
OperationType of filter on the field.
ValueSpecify the search value. It can be either a single value or multiple values separated by commas.

Example Output

"alerts": [
"id": "xxxx",
"alert_type_name": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"category": "xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"detected_time": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"updated_time": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"devices_count": "xxxx",
"unresolved_devices_count": "xxxx",
"medical_devices_count": "xxxx",
"iot_devices_count": "xxxx",
"it_devices_count": "xxxx",
"status": "xxxxxxxxxxxxx"

Workflow Library Example

Get Alert with Medigate and Send Results Via Email

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