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Get Alerts


This action has been deprecated and will no longer be available in new workflows.

List alerts on a user's account.


Alert NameLimit response to alerts having a name like this value.
Dashboard IDLimit response to alerts in specified dashboard(s).
Dashboard QueryLimit response to alerts having a dashboard name like this value.
Dashboard TagLimit response to alerts of dashboards with specified tags.
Folder IDLimit response to alerts of dashboards in specified folder(s).
LimitLimit response to X number of alerts.
Panel IdLimit response to alert for a specified panel on a dashboard.
StateReturn alerts with one or more of the following alert states: all, no_data, paused, alerting, ok, pending.

Example Output

"id": 4,
"dashboardId": 37,
"dashboardUid": "T2YUCDenz",
"dashboardSlug": "db-monitoring-dashboard",
"panelId": 2,
"name": "No Info In Panel Alert",
"state": "alerting",
"newStateDate": "2022-07-06T11:45:01Z",
"evalDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"evalData": {
"error": "request handler response error {db query error: failed to connect to server - please inspect Grafana server log for details A 0xc0017fd750 [] [] 0xc0011bb980}"
"executionError": "request handler response error {db query error: failed to connect to server - please inspect Grafana server log for details A 0xc0017fd750 [] [] 0xc0011bb980}",
"url": "/d/T2YUCDenz/db-monitoring-dashboard"
"id": 5,
"dashboardId": 38,
"dashboardUid": "5t8IN5enz",
"dashboardSlug": "new-dashboard-copy-2",
"panelId": 2,
"name": "Panel Title alert",
"state": "alerting",
"newStateDate": "2022-07-06T11:47:30Z",
"evalDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"evalData": {
"error": "request handler response error {db query error: failed to connect to server - please inspect Grafana server log for details A 0xc0009c5e00 [] [] 0xc001f45710}"
"executionError": "request handler response error {db query error: failed to connect to server - please inspect Grafana server log for details A 0xc0009c5e00 [] [] 0xc001f45710}",
"url": "/d/5t8IN5enz/new-dashboard-copy-2"

Workflow Library Example

Get Alerts with Grafana and Send Results Via Email

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