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Run Workflow

Run a specific workflow by its ID and the workspace's ID.


Input ParametersWorkflow's input parameters, JSON object containing key-value pairs.

Input example:
"param_a": "param_a_value",
"param_b": "param_b_value",
"param_c": true,
Run SynchronouslyCheck to run the workflow synchronously.

Note: This will result in a larger execution time of the action. Consider adjusting the action step's timeout configuration accordingly.
Timeout (s)If the workflow runs synchronously, the amount of seconds until the workflow's run will timeout if it did not yet finish executing.
Workflow IDThe ID of the workflow to execute.
Workspace IDID of the workspace (can be taken from blink.GetWorkspace).

Workflow Library Example

Run Workflow with Blink and Send Results Via Email

Workflow LibraryPreview this Workflow on desktop