Oauth connections cannot be created using this action.


Connection AttributesA JSON object of the required connection’s details of the following form:{“attribute1”:{“value”: “somevalue1”}, “attribute2”:{“value”: “somevalue2”}, “attribute3”:{“value”: “somevalue3”}}To list the required attributes, use the “Get Connection Type” action and find the list of attributes under your chosen Creation Method.
Connection DescriptionThe connection description.
Connection NameThe name the newly created connection will have.
Connection Type IDThe type of Blink connection.
Creation MethodThe connection creation method you would like to use when creating the connection.
Workspace IDThe workspace in which to create the connection.

Example Output

{    "id": "6be0cff6-8f9d-4978-87d2-6e04150b7111",    "created_at": 1681200783386,    "updated_at": 1681200783386,    "created_by": "example@blinkops.com",    "updated_by": "example@blinkops.com",    "name": "test446a5958_841e_461e_b8c1_068b2d4937af",    "full_name": "example_blinkops_com-test446a5958_841e_461e_b8c1_068b2d4937af",    "display_name": "test446a5958-841e-461e-b8c1-068b2d4937af",    "tenant_id": "918d290c-cf26-4f8b-ae91-4cb61fe3e098",    "workspace_id": "acbdffe9-f04b-4e62-bbb3-bdb991f1173a",    "connection_type_id": "c42afbdc-b3d5-46c8-ade9-912331c6e265",    "tags": [],    "active": false,    "attributes": {        "aws_access_key_id": {            "value": "test1"        },        "aws_secret_access_key": {            "value": "SECRET"        }    },    "created_with_o_auth": false,    "secret_manager": "18091976-1809-1976-1809-197618091976",    "creation_method": "user_based",    "type_name": "aws",    "shared_with": null,    "used_by": {        "subflows": {            "names": null,            "count": 0        }    },    "is_shared": false,    "workspace_name": "",    "slug_name": "",    "secret_manager_name": ""}

Workflow Library Example

Create Connection with Blink and Send Results Via Email

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