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Update Card Custom Field

Setting, updating, and removing the value for a Custom Field on a card. Use the "Get Card Custom Fields" & "Get Custom Field By ID" actions in order to find out which fields in the action should be filled for the specific custom field.


Card IDID of the card that the Custom Field value should be set/updated for.
Custom Field IDID of the Custom Field on the card.
ID Value-
Value Checked-
Value Date-
Value Number-
Value Text-

Example Output

"id": "63762610ad796c0051a8b1fa",
"idValue": "637625f3de440e0093e2156f",
"idCustomField": "637625f3de440e0093e2156d",
"idModel": "6376116f19cb6d0015e43db0",
"modelType": "card"

Workflow Library Example

Update Card Custom Field with Trello and Send Results Via Email

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