List users.

Basic Parameters

Return All PagesAutomatically fetch all resources, page by page.
SearchString to search on.

Advanced Parameters

Company IDThe identifier for the company to which the user belongs to filter by.
CountryThe country associated with the user to filter by.
Department IDThe identifier for the department to which the user belongs to filter by.
EmailThe user’s email address to filter by.
Employee NumThe user’s employee number to filter by.
First NameThe user’s first name to filter by.
Group IDThe identifier for the group to which the user belongs to filter by.
Last NameThe user’s last name to filter by.
LimitNumber of records to return.
Location IDThe identifier for the location associated with the user to filter by.
OffsetOffset to use when retrieving results (useful in pagination).
OrderSort order (asc or desc).
SortField to order by.
StateThe state associated with the user to filter by.
User NameThe user’s chosen username to filter by.
ZipThe ZIP or postal code associated with the user to filter by.

Example Output

	"total": 58,
	"rows": [
			"id": 1,
			"avatar": "",
			"name": "Admin User",
			"first_name": "Admin",
			"last_name": "User",
			"username": "admin",
			"remote": false,
			"locale": "en",
			"employee_num": "19567",
			"manager": null,
			"jobtitle": "Copy Machine Operator",
			"phone": "+1-272-670-7029",
			"website": null,
			"address": "631 Satterfield Shores Suite 113\nEast Roxane, WY 31419",
			"city": "O'Reillyborough",
			"state": "FL",
			"country": "Djibouti",
			"zip": "12561-8571",
			"email": "",
			"department": {
				"id": 4,
				"name": "Client Services"
			"location": null,
			"notes": "Created by DB seeder",
			"permissions": {
				"superuser": "1"
			"activated": true,
			"ldap_import": false,
			"two_factor_enrolled": false,
			"two_factor_optin": false,
			"assets_count": 0,
			"licenses_count": 0,
			"accessories_count": 0,
			"consumables_count": 0,
			"company": {
				"id": 1,
				"name": "Jaskolski, Mayer and Ullrich"
			"created_by": null,
			"created_at": {
				"datetime": "2023-01-19 06:42:05",
				"formatted": "Thu Jan 19, 2023 6:42AM"
			"updated_at": {
				"datetime": "2023-01-19 06:42:05",
				"formatted": "Thu Jan 19, 2023 6:42AM"
			"start_date": null,
			"end_date": null,
			"last_login": null,
			"deleted_at": null,
			"available_actions": {
				"update": true,
				"delete": true,
				"clone": true,
				"restore": false
			"groups": null

Workflow Library Example

List Users with Snipe It and Send Results Via Email

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