
IDThe id (not the asset tag) of the asset you’d like to query.

Example Output

{    "id": 1,    "name": "",    "asset_tag": "843812933",    "serial": "f294c22f-8232-3e38-a31d-84578032ff7a",    "model": {        "id": 1,        "name": "Macbook Pro 13""    },    "byod": false,    "model_number": "2310885149423308",    "eol": {        "date": "2025-07-04",        "formatted": "Fri Jul 04, 2025"    },    "status_label": {        "id": 1,        "name": "Ready to Deploy",        "status_type": "deployable",        "status_meta": "deployable"    },    "category": {        "id": 1,        "name": "Laptops"    },    "manufacturer": null,    "supplier": {        "id": 3,        "name": "Ledner, Kilback and Rath"    },    "notes": "Created by DB seeder",    "order_number": "44006678",    "company": null,    "location": {        "id": 5,        "name": "Lebsackborough"    },    "rtd_location": {        "id": 5,        "name": "Lebsackborough"    },    "image": "",    "qr": "",    "alt_barcode": null,    "assigned_to": null,    "warranty_months": null,    "warranty_expires": null,    "created_at": {        "datetime": "2023-01-19 06:42:07",        "formatted": "Thu Jan 19, 2023 6:42AM"    },    "updated_at": {        "datetime": "2023-01-19 06:42:33",        "formatted": "Thu Jan 19, 2023 6:42AM"    },    "last_audit_date": null,    "next_audit_date": null,    "deleted_at": null,    "purchase_date": {        "date": "2022-07-04",        "formatted": "Mon Jul 04, 2022"    },    "age": "6m 15d",    "last_checkout": null,    "expected_checkin": null,    "purchase_cost": "2.216,49",    "checkin_counter": 0,    "checkout_counter": 0,    "requests_counter": 0,    "user_can_checkout": true,    "custom_fields": {        "RAM": {            "field": "_snipeit_ram_3",            "value": "",            "field_format": "ANY",            "element": "text"        },        "CPU": {            "field": "_snipeit_cpu_4",            "value": "",            "field_format": "ANY",            "element": "text"        },        "MAC Address": {            "field": "_snipeit_mac_address_5",            "value": "",            "field_format": "regex:/^([0-9a-fA-F]{2}[:-]){5}[0-9a-fA-F]{2}$/",            "element": "text"        }    },    "available_actions": {        "checkout": true,        "checkin": true,        "clone": true,        "restore": false,        "update": true,        "delete": true    }}

Workflow Library Example

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