To learn more, visit the Opsgenie documentation.


LimitNumber of users to retrieve.
OffsetNumber of users to skip from start.
OrderDirection of sorting. Should be one of ‘asc’ or ‘desc’.
QueryField:value combinations with most of user fields to make more advanced searches. Possible fields are username, fullName, blocked, verified, role, locale, timeZone, userAddress and createdAt.
Sort FieldField to use in sorting. Should be one of ‘username’, ‘fullName’ and ‘insertedAt’.

Example Output

{    "data": [        {            "blocked": false,            "createdAt": "date-time",            "details": {},            "fullName": "string",            "id": "string",            "locale": "Location information of the user. If not set, locale of the customer will be used instead.",            "mutedUntil": "date-time",            "role": {                "id": "string",                "name": "string"            },            "skypeUsername": "Skype username of the user",            "tags": [                "string"            ],            "timeZone": "Timezone of the user. If not set, timezone of the customer will be used instead.",            "userAddress": {                "city": "string",                "country": "string",                "line": "string",                "state": "string",                "zipCode": "string"            },            "userContacts": [                {                    "contactMethod": "string",                    "disabledReason": "string",                    "enabled": false,                    "id": "string",                    "to": "string"                }            ],            "username": "string",            "verified": false        }    ],    "paging": {        "first": "string",        "last": "string",        "next": "string",        "prev": "string"    },    "requestId": "string",    "took": 0,    "totalCount": 0}

Workflow Library Example

List Users with Opsgenie and Send Results Via Email

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