Available filter fields:

  • name
  • disabled
  • type
  • suggestionCounts.add
  • suggestionCounts.remove
  • suggestionCounts.total
  • attributes.sudo.enabled
  • attributes.sudo.withoutPassword

Sample Request

curl -X GET https://console.jumpcloud.com/api/v2/usergroups \  -H 'Accept: application/json' \  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \  -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}'

Basic Parameters

FieldsThe comma separated fields included in the returned records.If omitted, the default list of fields will be returned.
FilterA filter to apply to the query.Filter structure: <field>:<operator>:<value>.field = Populate with a valid field from an endpoint response.operator = Supported operators are: eq, ne, gt, ge, lt, le, between, search, in.*Note: v1 operators differ from v2 operators.*value = Populate with the value you want to search for. Is case sensitive. Supports wild cards.EX: GET /api/v2/groups?filter=name:eq:Test+Group.
LimitThe number of records to return at once. Limited to 100.
SkipThe offset into the records to return.
SortThe comma separated fields used to sort the collection.Default sort is ascending, prefix with - to sort descending.

Advanced Parameters

Organization IDOrganization identifier that can be obtained from console settings.

Example Output

[    {        "attributes": {            "sudo": {                "enabled": true,                "withoutPassword": true            },            "ldapGroups": [                {                    "name": "string"                }            ],            "posixGroups": [                {                    "id": 0,                    "name": "string"                }            ],            "radius": {                "reply": [                    {                        "name": "string",                        "value": "string"                    }                ]            },            "sambaEnabled": true        },        "description": "string",        "email": "string",        "id": "string",        "memberQuery": {            "queryType": "FilterQuery",            "filters": [                {                    "field": "string",                    "operator": "eq",                    "value": "string"                }            ]        },        "memberQueryExemptions": [            {                "attributes": {},                "id": "string",                "type": "string"            }        ],        "memberSuggestionsNotify": true,        "membershipAutomated": true,        "name": "string",        "suggestionCounts": {            "add": 0,            "remove": 0,            "total": 0        },        "type": "user_group"    }]

Workflow Library Example

List User Groups with Jumpcloud and Send Results Via Email

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