List Systems
Valid filter fields are and .
Basic Parameters
Parameter | Description |
Filter | Supported operators are: eq, in. e.g:Filter for single value:filter=field:eq:value Filter for any value in a list: (note “pipe” character: | separating values)filter=field:in:value1|value2|value3 . |
Limit | - |
Advanced Parameters
Parameter | Description |
Organization ID | Organization identifier that can be obtained from console settings. |
Skip | The offset into the records to return. |
Sort | The comma separated fields used to sort the collection.Default sort is ascending, prefix with - to sort descending. e.g:Sort by single field:sort=field Sort descending by single field:sort=-field Sort by multiple fields:sort=field1,-field2,field3 . |
Example Output
Workflow Library Example
List Systems with Jumpcloud and Send Results Via Email
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