Basic Parameters

FilterSupported operators are: eq, in. e.g:Filter for single value:filter=field:eq:valueFilter for any value in a list: (note “pipe” character: | separating values)filter=field:in:value1|value2|value3.

Advanced Parameters

Organization IDOrganization identifier that can be obtained from console settings.
SkipThe offset into the records to return.
SortThe comma separated fields used to sort the collection.Default sort is ascending, prefix with - to sort descending. e.g:Sort by single field:sort=fieldSort descending by single field:sort=-fieldSort by multiple fields:sort=field1,-field2,field3.

Example Output

[    {        "collection_time": "2019-06-03T19:41:30.771Z",        "computer_name": "Johnny's MacBook Pro (2)",        "cpu_brand": "Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7820HQ CPU @ 2.90GHz",        "cpu_logical_cores": 8,        "cpu_microcode": "",        "cpu_physical_cores": 4,        "cpu_subtype": "Intel x86-64h Haswell",        "cpu_type": "x86_64h",        "hardware_model": "MacBookPro14,3 ",        "hardware_serial": "111111FFFFFF",        "hardware_vendor": "Apple Inc. ",        "hardware_version": "1.0 ",        "hostname": "johnnys-macbook-pro-2.local",        "local_hostname": "Jonnys-MacBook-Pro-2",        "physical_memory": "17179869184",        "system_id": "5c9e51a13c5146f89bae12d9",        "uuid": "11111111-FFFF-1111-FFFF-111111111111"    }]

Workflow Library Example

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