Returns a paged list of phones.

To fetch all results, call repeatedly with the offset parameter as long as the result metadata has a next_offset value.

If no number or extension parameters are provided, the list will contain all phones.

Otherwise, the list will contain either single phone (if a match was found), or no phones.

Requires “Grant read resource” API permission.

Basic Parameters

ExtensionThe phone extension, if necessary.
NumberSpecify a phone number in E.164 format to look up a single phone.

Advanced Parameters

LimitThe maximum number of records returned.Default: 100; Max: 500
OffsetThe offset from 0 at which to start record retrieval.When used with “limit”, the handler will return “limit” records starting at the n-th record, where n is the offset.Default: 0

Example Output

	"metadata": {
		"total_objects": 1
	"response": [
			"activated": false,
			"capabilities": [
			"encrypted": "Unknown",
			"extension": "",
			"fingerprint": "Unknown",
			"last_seen": "",
			"model": "Unknown",
			"name": "test-phone",
			"number": "+12142144286",
			"phone_id": "DPERLUZ8CIO49STDMKDP",
			"platform": "Google Android",
			"screenlock": "Unknown",
			"sms_passcodes_sent": false,
			"tampered": "Unknown",
			"type": "Mobile",
			"users": []
	"stat": "OK"

Workflow Library Example

List Phones with Duo and Send Results Via Email

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