Create Phone
Create a new phone with a specified phone number or other parameters. Requires "Grant write resource" API permission.
Basic Parameters
Parameter | Description |
Name | Free-form label for the phone. |
Number | The phone number; E.164 format recommended (i.e. "+17345551212"). If no leading plus sign is provided then it is assumed to be a United States number and an implicit "+1" country code is prepended. Dashes and spaces are ignored. A phone with a smartphone platform but no number is a tablet. |
Advanced Parameters
Parameter | Description |
Extension | The phone extension. |
Platform | The phone platform. Note that windows phone is accepted as a synonym for windows phone 7 . This includes devices running Windows Phone 8.If a smartphone's exact platform is unknown but it will have Duo Mobile installed, use generic smartphone and generate an activation code.When the phone is activated its platform will be automatically detected. |
Post Delay | The time (in seconds) to wait after the extension is dialed and before the speaking the prompt. |
Pre Delay | The time (in seconds) to wait after the number picks up and before dialing the extension. |
Type | The type of phone. |
Example Output
"response": {
"activated": false,
"capabilities": [
"encrypted": "Unknown",
"extension": "",
"fingerprint": "Unknown",
"last_seen": "",
"model": "Unknown",
"name": "test-phone",
"number": "+12142144286",
"phone_id": "DPERLUZ8CIO49STDMKDP",
"platform": "Google Android",
"screenlock": "Unknown",
"sms_passcodes_sent": false,
"tampered": "Unknown",
"type": "Mobile",
"users": []
"stat": "OK"
Workflow Library Example
Create Phone with Duo and Send Results Via Email
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