Change the details of the phone with ID phone_id.

Requires “Grant write resource” API permission.

Basic Parameters

NameFree-form label for the phone.
NumberThe phone number; E.164 format recommended (i.e. “+17345551212”).If no leading plus sign is provided then it is assumed to be a United States number and an implicit “+1” country code is prepended.Dashes and spaces are ignored.A phone with a smartphone platform but no number is a tablet.
Phone IDThe ID of the phone to edit.

Advanced Parameters

ExtensionThe phone extension.
PlatformThe phone platform.Note that windows phone is accepted as a synonym for windows phone 7. This includes devices running Windows Phone 8.If a smartphone’s exact platform is unknown but it will have Duo Mobile installed, use generic smartphone and generate an activation code.When the phone is activated its platform will be automatically detected.
Post DelayThe time (in seconds) to wait after the extension is dialed and before the speaking the prompt.
Pre DelayThe time (in seconds) to wait after the number picks up and before dialing the extension.
TypeThe type of phone.

Example Output

	"response": {
		"activated": false,
		"capabilities": [
		"encrypted": "Unknown",
		"extension": "",
		"fingerprint": "Unknown",
		"last_seen": "",
		"model": "Unknown",
		"name": "new-name",
		"number": "+12142144286",
		"phone_id": "DPERLUZ8CIO49STDMKDP",
		"platform": "Google Android",
		"screenlock": "Unknown",
		"sms_passcodes_sent": false,
		"tampered": "Unknown",
		"type": "Mobile",
		"users": []
	"stat": "OK"

Workflow Library Example

Edit Phone with Duo and Send Results Via Email

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