Basic Parameters

Organization IDThe Organization ID you wish to list from.The organization will be assumed based on the API key, if not specified.

Advanced Parameters

LimitA limit on the number of results to be returned, between 1 and 500, with a default of 500. Use with page parameter.See About Automox API - Pagination.
PageThe page of results you wish to be returned with page numbers starting at 0.See About Automox API - Pagination.

Example Output

[    {        "configuration": {            "auto_patch": true,            "auto_reboot": true,            "custom_notification_deferment_periods": [                1,                4,                8            ],            "custom_notification_max_delays": 0,            "custom_notification_patch_message": "Necessary Windows updates are about to be installed!",            "custom_notification_patch_message_mac": "Necessary Mac updates are about to be installed!",            "custom_notification_reboot_message": "Necessary Windows updates are about to be installed! Reboot Needed!",            "custom_notification_reboot_message_mac": "Necessary Mac updates are about to be installed! Reboot Needed!",            "custom_pending_reboot_notification_deferment_periods": [                2,                4,                6            ],            "custom_pending_reboot_notification_max_delays": 0,            "custom_pending_reboot_notification_message": "Your computer needs to restart to finish installing updates!",            "custom_pending_reboot_notification_message_mac": "Your Mac needs to restart to finish installing updates!",            "device_filters": [                {                    "field": "tag",                    "op": "in",                    "value": [                        "Windows",                        "Win10"                    ]                }            ],            "device_filters_enabled": true,            "include_optional": true,            "missed_patch_window": true,            "notify_deferred_reboot_user": true,            "notify_deferred_reboot_user_auto_deferral_enabled": false,            "notify_deferred_reboot_user_timeout": 15,            "notify_reboot_user": true,            "notify_user": true,            "notify_user_auto_deferral_enabled": false,            "notify_user_message_timeout": 15,            "patch_rule": "all"        },        "id": 0,        "name": "The name of the policy",        "notes": "Any notes associated with the policy.",        "organization_id": 0,        "policy_type_name": "The name of the type of policy you are creating. Optional when updating an existing policy.",        "schedule_days": 0,        "schedule_months": 0,        "schedule_time": "Scheduled time for automatic policy execution. Format: `\"hh:mm\"`",        "schedule_weeks_of_month": 0,        "scheduled_timezone": "Define the UTC offset for a policy where UTC is used for the scheduled start time. This is required when `use_scheduled_timezone` is `true`. Format: `\"UTC+0000\"`",        "server_groups": [            0        ],        "use_scheduled_timezone": false    }]

Workflow Library Example

List Policy Objects with Automox and Send Results Via Email

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