
Device IDServer ID for the specified device.
Organization IDOrganization ID for the specified device.
PowerShell VersionThe version of PowerShell running on the device.

Example Output

{    "agent_version": "string",    "commands": [        {            "args": "KB12345 KB67890",            "command_type_name": "InstallUpdate",            "exec_time": "2017-06-29T16:39:50.951Z"        }    ],    "compliant": false,    "connected": false,    "create_time": "date-time",    "custom_name": "string",    "deleted": false,    "details": {        "CPU": "string",        "DISKS": [            {                "SIZE": "string",                "TYPE": "string"            }        ],        "MODEL": "string",        "NICS": [            {                "CONNECTED": false,                "DEVICE": "string",                "IPS": [                    "string"                ],                "MAC": "string",                "TYPE": "string",                "VENDOR": "string"            }        ],        "RAM": "string",        "SERIAL": "string",        "SERVICETAG": "string",        "VENDOR": "string",        "VERSION": "string"    },    "display_name": "string",    "exception": false,    "hostname": "string",    "id": 0,    "instance_id": "string",    "ip_addrs": [        "string"    ],    "ip_addrs_private": [        "string"    ],    "is_delayed_by_notification": false,    "is_delayed_by_user": false,    "last_disconnect_time": "date-time",    "last_logged_in_user": "string",    "last_process_time": "string",    "last_refresh_time": "string",    "last_scan_failed": false,    "last_update_time": "string",    "name": "string",    "needs_attention": false,    "needs_reboot": false,    "next_patch_time": "string",    "notification_count": 0,    "organization_id": 0,    "os_family": "string",    "os_name": "string",    "os_version": "string",    "os_version_id": 0,    "patch_deferral_count": 0,    "patches": 0,    "pending": false,    "pending_patches": 0,    "policy_status": [        {            "create_time": "string",            "id": 0,            "next_remediation": "date-time",            "organization_id": 0,            "policy_id": 0,            "policy_name": "string",            "policy_type_name": "string",            "result": "string",            "server_id": 0,            "status": 0        }    ],    "reboot_is_delayed_by_notification": false,    "reboot_is_delayed_by_user": false,    "reboot_notification_count": 0,    "refresh_interval": 0,    "serial_number": "string",    "server_group_id": 0,    "server_policies": [        {            "configuration": {                "auto_patch": true,                "auto_reboot": true,                "custom_notification_deferment_periods": [                    1,                    4,                    8                ],                "custom_notification_max_delays": 0,                "custom_notification_patch_message": "Necessary Windows updates are about to be installed!",                "custom_notification_patch_message_mac": "Necessary Mac updates are about to be installed!",                "custom_notification_reboot_message": "Necessary Windows updates are about to be installed! Reboot Needed!",                "custom_notification_reboot_message_mac": "Necessary Mac updates are about to be installed! Reboot Needed!",                "custom_pending_reboot_notification_deferment_periods": [                    2,                    4,                    6                ],                "custom_pending_reboot_notification_max_delays": 0,                "custom_pending_reboot_notification_message": "Your computer needs to restart to finish installing updates!",                "custom_pending_reboot_notification_message_mac": "Your Mac needs to restart to finish installing updates!",                "device_filters": [                    {                        "field": "tag",                        "op": "in",                        "value": [                            "Windows",                            "Win10"                        ]                    }                ],                "device_filters_enabled": true,                "include_optional": true,                "missed_patch_window": true,                "notify_deferred_reboot_user": true,                "notify_deferred_reboot_user_auto_deferral_enabled": false,                "notify_deferred_reboot_user_timeout": 15,                "notify_reboot_user": true,                "notify_user": true,                "notify_user_auto_deferral_enabled": false,                "notify_user_message_timeout": 15,                "patch_rule": "all"            },            "id": 0,            "name": "The name of the policy",            "notes": "Any notes associated with the policy.",            "organization_id": 0,            "policy_type_name": "The name of the type of policy you are creating. Optional when updating an existing policy.",            "schedule_days": 0,            "schedule_months": 0,            "schedule_time": "Scheduled time for automatic policy execution. Format: `\"hh:mm\"`",            "schedule_weeks_of_month": 0,            "scheduled_timezone": "Define the UTC offset for a policy where UTC is used for the scheduled start time. This is required when `use_scheduled_timezone` is `true`. Format: `\"UTC+0000\"`",            "server_groups": [                0            ],            "use_scheduled_timezone": false        }    ],    "status": {        "agent_status": "string",        "device_status": "string",        "policy_status": "string",        "policy_statuses": [            {                "compliant": false,                "id": 0            }        ]    },    "tags": [        "string"    ],    "timezone": "string",    "total_count": 0,    "uptime": 0,    "uuid": "uuid"}

Workflow Library Example

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