Basic Parameters

Organization IDThe Organization ID you wish to list from.The organization will be assumed based on the API key, if not specified.

Advanced Parameters

ExceptionFilter based on the exception property to exclude the device from reports. Device is still monitored when excluded from reports and statistics. Format: exception=1.
FiltersFilter on compatible devices.
Group IDFilter based on membership to a specific Server Group ID.
LimitA limit on the number of results to be returned, between 1 and 500, with a default of 500. Use with page parameter.See About Automox API - Pagination.
ManagedFilter based on device’s Managed status. Unmanaged indicates no linked policies. Format: managed=0.
PageThe page of results you wish to be returned with page numbers starting at 0.See About Automox API - Pagination.
Patch StatusFilter based on presence of ANY available patches that aren’t already installed. Value must be ‘missing’ Format: patchStatus=missing.
PendingFilter based on status of pending patches. Format: pending=1.
Policy IDFilter based on association to a given Policy ID. Format: policyId=12345.
PowerShell VersionShows version of PowerShell running on the device, if applicable.
Sort ColumnsThe column you want to sort by.
Sort DirThe sort direction, ascending or descending.

Example Output

[    {        "agent_version": "string",        "commands": [            {                "args": "KB12345 KB67890",                "command_type_name": "InstallUpdate",                "exec_time": "2017-06-29T16:39:50.951Z"            }        ],        "compatibility_checks": {            "app_store_disconnected": false,            "low_diskspace": false,            "missing_powershell": false,            "missing_secure_token": false,            "missing_wmi_integrity_check": false,            "windows_update_server_disconnected": false,            "wsus_disconnected": false        },        "compliant": false,        "connected": false,        "create_time": "date-time",        "custom_name": "string",        "deleted": false,        "details": {            "CPU": "string",            "DISKS": [                {                    "SIZE": "string",                    "TYPE": "string"                }            ],            "MODEL": "string",            "NICS": [                {                    "CONNECTED": false,                    "DEVICE": "string",                    "IPS": [                        "string"                    ],                    "MAC": "string",                    "TYPE": "string",                    "VENDOR": "string"                }            ],            "RAM": "string",            "SERIAL": "string",            "SERVICETAG": "string",            "VENDOR": "string",            "VERSION": "string"        },        "display_name": "string",        "exception": false,        "id": 0,        "instance_id": "string",        "ip_addrs": [            "string"        ],        "ip_addrs_private": [            "string"        ],        "is_compatible": false,        "is_delayed_by_notification": false,        "is_delayed_by_user": false,        "last_disconnect_time": "date-time",        "last_logged_in_user": "string",        "last_process_time": "string",        "last_refresh_time": "string",        "last_scan_failed": false,        "last_update_time": "string",        "name": "string",        "needs_attention": false,        "needs_reboot": false,        "next_patch_time": "string",        "notification_count": 0,        "organization_id": 0,        "os_family": "string",        "os_name": "string",        "os_version": "string",        "os_version_id": 0,        "patch_deferral_count": 0,        "patches": 0,        "pending": false,        "pending_patches": 0,        "policy_status": [            {                "create_time": "string",                "id": 0,                "organization_id": 0,                "policy_id": 0,                "policy_name": "string",                "policy_type_name": "string",                "result": "string",                "server_id": 0,                "status": 0            }        ],        "reboot_is_delayed_by_notification": false,        "reboot_is_delayed_by_user": false,        "reboot_notification_count": 0,        "refresh_interval": 0,        "serial_number": "string",        "server_group_id": 0,        "status": {            "agent_status": "string",            "device_status": "string",            "policy_status": "string",            "policy_statuses": [                {                    "compliant": false,                    "id": 0                }            ]        },        "tags": [            "string"        ],        "timezone": "string",        "total_count": 0,        "uptime": 0,        "uuid": "uuid"    }]

Workflow Library Example

List Devices with Automox and Send Results Via Email

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