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Get Device Packages

Retrieves the software packages for the specified device. Packages include pending updates and currently installed updates/applications.

Basic Parameters

Device IDServer ID for the specified device.
Organization IDOrganization ID for the specified device.

Advanced Parameters

LimitA limit on the number of results to be returned, between 1 and 500, with a default of 500. Use with page parameter.
See About Automox API - Pagination.
PageThe page of results you wish to be returned with page numbers starting at 0.
See About Automox API - Pagination.

Example Output

"agent_severity": "string",
"create_time": "date-time",
"cve_score": "string",
"cves": [
"deferred_until": "date-time",
"display_name": "string",
"group_deferred_until": "date-time",
"group_ignored": false,
"id": 0,
"ignored": false,
"impact": 0,
"installed": false,
"is_managed": false,
"is_uninstallable": false,
"name": "string",
"organization_id": 0,
"os_name": "string",
"os_version": "string",
"os_version_id": 0,
"package_id": 0,
"package_version_id": 0,
"patch_classification_category_id": 0,
"patch_scope": "string",
"repo": "string",
"requires_reboot": false,
"secondary_id": "string",
"server_id": 0,
"severity": "string",
"software_id": 0,
"version": "string"

Workflow Library Example

Get Device Packages with Automox and Send Results Via Email

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