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List Users

Use this API to list your account's users.

Scopes: user:read:admin

Rate Limit Label: Medium.

Basic Parameters

Include FieldsUse this parameter to display one of the following attributes in the API call's response:
custom_attributes — Return the user's custom attributes.
host_key — Return the user's host key.
Page SizeThe number of records returned within a single API call.
Return All PagesAutomatically fetch all resources, page by page.
Role IDThe role's unique ID. Use this parameter to filter the response by
a specific role. You can use the List roles
API to get a role's unique ID value.
StatusThe user's status:
active — An active user.
inactive — A deactivated user.
* pending — A pending user.

This value defaults to active.

Advanced Parameters

Next Page TokenThe next page token is used to paginate through large result sets. A next page token will be returned whenever the set of available results exceeds the current page size. The expiration period for this token is 15 minutes.
Page NumberThe page number of the current page in the returned records.

Example Output

"next_page_token": "8V8HigQkzm2O5r9RUn31D9ZyJHgrmFfbLa2",
"page_count": 100,
"page_number": 1,
"page_size": 30,
"total_records": 8482,
"users": [
"created_at": "2019-06-01T07:58:03Z",
"custom_attributes": [
"key": "cbf_cywdkexrtqc73f97gd4w6g",
"name": "A1",
"value": "2323"
"dept": "Developers",
"email": "",
"employee_unique_id": "HqDyI037Qjili1kNsSIrIg",
"first_name": "Jill",
"group_ids": [
"host_key": "299492849",
"id": "KDcuGIm1QgePTO8WbOqwIQ",
"im_group_ids": [
"last_client_version": "5.2.45120.0906(win)",
"last_login_time": "2022-03-25T05:40:55Z",
"last_name": "Chill",
"plan_united_type": "0",
"pmi": 6589310093,
"role_id": "0",
"status": "active",
"timezone": "Asia/Shanghai",
"type": 1,
"verified": 1

Workflow Library Example

List Users with Zoom and Send Results Via Email

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