Required API key role permissions:

  • Endpoint Inventory - view

To learn more, visit the Trend Vision One documentation.

Basic Parameters

End TimeThe end time that indicates the end of the data retrieval time range.
FilterFilter for retrieving a subset of the task list.For example: status eq 'succeeded'.For further information, please refer to Trend Vision One Documentation.
Return All PagesAutomatically fetch all resources, page by page.
Start TimeThe start time that indicates the start of the data retrieval time range.
Time TargetThe time range to be used for retrieving Workbench alert data.

Advanced Parameters

LimitThe number of results per page.
Order BySpecifies the fields by which the results are sorted.
Skip TokenThe pagination token that’s used for retrieving the next page of results.It is returned in nextLink, as a query parameter named skipToken.

Example Output

{    "items": [        {            "id": "53cd53d0-6798-4547-ab07-9386cc2c891e",            "status": "running",            "action": "export",            "createdDateTime": "2023-02-08T10:00:00Z",            "lastActionDateTime": "2023-02-08T10:00:00Z",            "error": {                "code": "TaskError",                "message": "string"            }        }    ],    "count": 1,    "totalCount": 1,    "nextLink": ""}

Workflow Library Example

List Tasks with Trend Vision One and Send Results Via Email

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