Required API key role permissions:

  • Workbench - view, filter, search

To learn more, visit the Trend Vision One documentation.

Basic Parameters

End TimeThe end time that indicates the end of the data retrieval time range.
FilterFilter for retrieving a subset of the alert list.For example: indicatorValue eq ''.For further information, please refer to Trend Vision One Documentation.
Return All PagesAutomatically fetch all resources, page by page.
Start TimeThe start time that indicates the start of the data retrieval time range.
Time TargetThe time range to be used for retrieving Workbench alert data.

Advanced Parameters

Order BySpecifies the fields by which the results are sorted.
Skip TokenThe pagination token that’s used for retrieving the next page of results.It is returned in nextLink, as a query parameter named skipToken.

Example Output

{    "totalCount": 1,    "count": 1,    "items": [        {            "schemaVersion": "1.12",            "id": "WB-9002-20220906-00022",            "investigationStatus": "New",            "status": "Open",            "investigationResult": "No Findings",            "workbenchLink": "https://THE_WORKBENCH_URL",            "alertProvider": "SAE",            "modelId": "1ebd4f91-4b28-40b4-87f5-8defee4791d8",            "model": "Privilege Escalation via UAC Bypass",            "modelType": "preset",            "score": 64,            "severity": "high",            "firstInvestigatedDateTime": "2022-10-06T02:30:31Z",            "createdDateTime": "2022-09-06T02:49:31Z",            "updatedDateTime": "2022-09-06T02:49:48Z",            "incidentId": "IC-1-20230706-00001",            "caseId": "CL-1-20230706-00001",            "ownerIds": [                "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012"            ],            "impactScope": {                "desktopCount": 1,                "serverCount": 0,                "accountCount": 1,                "emailAddressCount": 1,                "containerCount": 1,                "cloudIdentityCount": 1,                "entities": [                    {                        "entityType": "account",                        "entityValue": "shockwave\\sam",                        "entityId": "shockwave\\sam",                        "relatedEntities": [                            "35FA11DA-A24E-40CF-8B56-BAF8828CC15E"                        ],                        "relatedIndicatorIds": [],                        "provenance": [                            "Alert"                        ]                    },                    {                        "entityType": "host",                        "entityValue": {                            "guid": "35FA11DA-A24E-40CF-8B56-BAF8828CC15E",                            "name": "nimda",                            "ips": [                                ""                            ]                        },                        "entityId": "35FA11DA-A24E-40CF-8B56-BAF8828CC15E",                        "managementScopeGroupId": "deadbeef-292e-42ae-86be-d2fef483a248",                        "managementScopeInstanceId": "1babc299-52de-44f4-a1d2-8a224f391eee",                        "managementScopePartitionKey": "4c1850c0-8a2a-4637-9f88-6afbab54dd79",                        "relatedEntities": [                            "shockwave\\sam"                        ],                        "relatedIndicatorIds": [                            1,                            2,                            3,                            4,                            5,                            6,                            7,                            8                        ],                        "provenance": [                            "Alert"                        ]                    },                    {                        "entityType": "emailAddress",                        "entityValue": "",                        "entityId": "SUPPORT@PCTUTORDETROIT.COM",                        "relatedEntities": [],                        "relatedIndicatorIds": [],                        "provenance": [                            "Alert"                        ]                    },                    {                        "entityType": "container",                        "entityValue": "k8s_democon_longrunl_default_09451f51-7124-4aa5-a5c4-ada24efe9da9_0",                        "entityId": "7d1e00176d78b2b1db0744a187314bf2ce39f3a7d43137c366ae6785e8a4f496",                        "relatedEntities": [],                        "relatedIndicatorIds": [],                        "provenance": [                            "Alert"                        ]                    },                    {                        "entityType": "cloudIdentity",                        "entityValue": "arn:aws:sts::985266316733:assumed-role/aad-admin/steven_hung",                        "entityId": "arn:aws:sts::985266316733:assumed-role/aad-admin/steven_hung",                        "relatedEntities": [],                        "relatedIndicatorIds": [],                        "provenance": [                            "Alert"                        ]                    }                ]            },            "description": "A user bypassed User Account Control (UAC) to gain higher-level permissions.",            "matchedRules": [                {                    "id": "25d96e5d-cb69-4935-ae27-43cc0cdca1cc",                    "name": "(T1088) Bypass UAC via shell open registry",                    "matchedFilters": [                        {                            "id": "ac200e74-8309-463e-ad6b-a4c16a3a377f",                            "name": "Bypass UAC Via Shell Open Default Registry",                            "matchedDateTime": "2022-09-05T03:53:49.802Z",                            "mitreTechniqueIds": [                                "T1112",                                "V9.T1112",                                "V9.T1548.002"                            ],                            "matchedEvents": [                                {                                    "uuid": "a32599b7-c0c9-45ed-97bf-f2be7679fb00",                                    "matchedDateTime": "2022-09-05T03:53:49.802Z",                                    "type": "TELEMETRY_REGISTRY"                                }                            ]                        },                        {                            "id": "857b6396-da29-44a8-bc11-25298e646795",                            "name": "Bypass UAC Via Shell Open Registry",                            "matchedDateTime": "2022-09-05T03:53:49.802Z",                            "mitreTechniqueIds": [                                "T1112",                                "T1088",                                "V9.T1112",                                "V9.T1548.002"                            ],                            "matchedEvents": [                                {                                    "uuid": "4c456bbb-2dfc-40a5-b298-799a0ccefc01",                                    "matchedDateTime": "2022-09-05T03:53:49.802Z",                                    "type": "TELEMETRY_REGISTRY"                                }                            ]                        }                    ]                }            ],            "indicators": [                {                    "id": 1,                    "type": "command_line",                    "field": "processCmd",                    "value": "c:\\windows\\system32\\rundll32.exe c:\\users\\sam\\appdata\\local\\cyzfc.dat entrypoint",                    "relatedEntities": [                        "35FA11DA-A24E-40CF-8B56-BAF8828CC15E"                    ],                    "filterIds": [                        "ac200e74-8309-463e-ad6b-a4c16a3a377f"                    ],                    "provenance": [                        "Alert"                    ]                },                {                    "id": 2,                    "type": "command_line",                    "field": "parentCmd",                    "value": "C:\\Windows\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe\" -noni -win hidden -Ep ByPass $r = [Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString([Convert]::FromBase64String('....XggJHNjQjs=')); iex $r;  ",                    "relatedEntities": [                        "35FA11DA-A24E-40CF-8B56-BAF8828CC15E"                    ],                    "filterIds": [                        "ac200e74-8309-463e-ad6b-a4c16a3a377f"                    ],                    "provenance": [                        "Alert"                    ]                },                {                    "id": 3,                    "type": "command_line",                    "field": "processCmd",                    "value": "c:\\windows\\system32\\rundll32.exe c:\\users\\sam\\appdata\\local\\cyzfc.dat entrypoint",                    "relatedEntities": [                        "35FA11DA-A24E-40CF-8B56-BAF8828CC15E"                    ],                    "filterIds": [                        "857b6396-da29-44a8-bc11-25298e646795"                    ],                    "provenance": [                        "Alert"                    ]                },                {                    "id": 4,                    "type": "command_line",                    "field": "parentCmd",                    "value": "C:\\Windows\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe\" -noni -win hidden -Ep ByPass $r = [Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString([Convert]::FromBase64String('....jY0KTtpZXggJHNjQjs=')); iex $r;  ",                    "relatedEntities": [                        "35FA11DA-A24E-40CF-8B56-BAF8828CC15E"                    ],                    "filterIds": [                        "857b6396-da29-44a8-bc11-25298e646795"                    ],                    "provenance": [                        "Alert"                    ]                },                {                    "id": 5,                    "type": "registry_key",                    "field": "objectRegistryKeyHandle",                    "value": "hkcr\\ms-settings\\shell\\open\\command",                    "relatedEntities": [                        "35FA11DA-A24E-40CF-8B56-BAF8828CC15E"                    ],                    "filterIds": [                        "ac200e74-8309-463e-ad6b-a4c16a3a377f"                    ],                    "provenance": [                        "Alert"                    ]                },                {                    "id": 6,                    "type": "registry_key",                    "field": "objectRegistryKeyHandle",                    "value": "hkcr\\ms-settings\\shell\\open\\command",                    "relatedEntities": [                        "35FA11DA-A24E-40CF-8B56-BAF8828CC15E"                    ],                    "filterIds": [                        "857b6396-da29-44a8-bc11-25298e646795"                    ],                    "provenance": [                        "Alert"                    ]                },                {                    "id": 7,                    "type": "registry_value",                    "field": "objectRegistryValue",                    "value": "delegateexecute",                    "relatedEntities": [                        "35FA11DA-A24E-40CF-8B56-BAF8828CC15E"                    ],                    "filterIds": [                        "857b6396-da29-44a8-bc11-25298e646795"                    ],                    "provenance": [                        "Alert"                    ]                },                {                    "id": 8,                    "type": "registry_value_data",                    "field": "objectRegistryData",                    "value": "C:\\Windows\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe -NoP -NonI -W Hidden -c $x=$((gp HKCU:Software\\Microsoft\\Windows Update).Update); powershell -NoP -NonI -W Hidden -enc $x",                    "relatedEntities": [                        "35FA11DA-A24E-40CF-8B56-BAF8828CC15E"                    ],                    "filterIds": [                        "ac200e74-8309-463e-ad6b-a4c16a3a377f"                    ],                    "provenance": [                        "Alert"                    ]                }            ]        }    ]}

Workflow Library Example

List Alerts with Trend Vision One and Send Results Via Email

Preview this Workflow on desktop