Required API key role permissions:

  • Endpoint Inventory - view

To learn more, visit the Trend Vision One documentation.


Agent GUIDThe ID of an installed agent on an endpoint. For example: 9c94bd33-c589-48c4-9431-dace397b0067.Can be obtained by using the List Endpoints action.

Example Output

{    "endpointName": "example-hostname",    "agentGuid": "94222d63-90da-a1eb-a051-a85d6b61f5fe",    "displayName": "example-display-name",    "description": "example-description",    "type": "desktop",    "os": {        "name": "Windows 11",        "platform": "unknown",        "architecture": "unknown",        "version": "10.0.22621",        "kernelVersion": "10.0.22621"    },    "lastUsedIp": "",    "serviceGatewayOrProxy": " (,",    "cpuArchitecture": "The CPU architecture of the endpoint.",    "lastLoggedOnUser": "Example user",    "isolationStatus": "unknown",    "recommendedActions": [        "precheck_windows_tool_103"    ],    "interfaces": [        {            "ipAddresses": [                "",                ""            ],            "macAddress": "ff:ff:00:00:00:ff"        }    ],    "serialNumber": 123456,    "eppAgent": {        "endpointGroup": "Computers",        "protectionManager": "A1-US",        "policyName": "Example Policy Name",        "status": "unknown",        "lastConnectedDateTime": "2023-02-06T10:00:00Z",        "tags": [            "example1"        ],        "version": "",        "lastScannedDateTime": "2023-02-06T10:00:00Z",        "componentVersion": "outdatedVersion",        "componentUpdatePolicy": "N-2",        "componentUpdateStatus": "pause",        "installedComponentIds": [            "1208221992"        ],        "domainHierarchy": "/example/example-sub-domain",        "virtualMachineDetails": [            {                "key": "example key",                "value": "example value"            }        ],        "dsaComponentUpdateStatus": "up to date",        "dsaAgentUpdateStatus": "up to date",        "dsaComponentUpdatedDateTime": "2023-02-08T10:00:00Z",        "gcpNetworkTags": [            "example1",            "example2"        ],        "dockerEngineVersion": "up to date",        "patterns": [            {                "id": "512",                "name": "Common Firewall Pattern",                "version": "2.219.00",                "updatedDateTime": "2023-02-06T10:00:00Z"            }        ],        "engines": [            {                "id": "1207960102",                "name": "Advanced Threat Scan Engine",                "version": "23.600.10",                "updatedDateTime": "2023-02-06T10:00:00Z"            }        ],        "features": [            {                "name": "AntiMalwareScans",                "status": "enabled",                "outdatedPatternIds": [                    "1208221762"                ],                "notCompliantSubFeatures": [                    {                        "name": "BehaviorMonitoring",                        "status": "enabled"                    }                ]            }        ]    },    "edrSensor": {        "endpointGroup": "Example XES Group Name",        "connectivity": "unknown",        "lastConnectedDateTime": "2023-02-06T10:00:00Z",        "version": "",        "status": "unknown",        "advancedRiskTelemetryStatus": "unknown"    }}

Workflow Library Example

Get Endpoint with Trend Vision One and Send Results Via Email

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