To learn more, visit the Rapid7 documentation.


Disable SSL EnforcementEnable this option to skip SSL verification of the server’s certificatechain and host name. This may increase security vulnerabilities, but can be usefulfor testing or when custom verification is employed.

Example Output

{    "links": [        {            "href": "https://hostname:3780/api/3/...",            "rel": "self"        }    ],    "resources": [        {            "checks": {                "categories": {                    "disabled": [                        "string"                    ],                    "enabled": [                        "string"                    ],                    "links": [                        {                            "href": "https://hostname:3780/api/3/...",                            "rel": "self"                        }                    ]                },                "correlate": false,                "individual": {                    "disabled": [                        "string"                    ],                    "enabled": [                        "string"                    ],                    "links": [                        {                            "href": "https://hostname:3780/api/3/...",                            "rel": "self"                        }                    ]                },                "links": [                    {                        "href": "https://hostname:3780/api/3/...",                        "rel": "self"                    }                ],                "potential": false,                "types": {                    "disabled": [                        "string"                    ],                    "enabled": [                        "string"                    ],                    "links": [                        {                            "href": "https://hostname:3780/api/3/...",                            "rel": "self"                        }                    ]                },                "unsafe": false            },            "database": {                "db2": "database",                "links": [                    {                        "href": "https://hostname:3780/api/3/...",                        "rel": "self"                    }                ],                "oracle": "default",                "postgres": "postgres"            },            "description": "Performs a full network audit of all systems using only safe checks...",            "discovery": {                "asset": {                    "collectWhoisInformation": false,                    "fingerprintMinimumCertainty": 0.16,                    "fingerprintRetries": 0,                    "ipFingerprintingEnabled": true,                    "sendArpPings": true,                    "sendIcmpPings": true,                    "tcpPorts": [                        0                    ],                    "treatTcpResetAsAsset": true,                    "udpPorts": [                        0                    ]                },                "perfomance": {                    "packetRate": {                        "defeatRateLimit": true,                        "maximum": 15000,                        "minimum": 450                    },                    "parallelism": {                        "maximum": 0,                        "minimum": 0                    },                    "retryLimit": 3,                    "scanDelay": {                        "maximum": "PT0S",                        "minimum": "PT0S"                    },                    "timeout": {                        "initial": "PT0.5S",                        "maximum": "PT3S",                        "minimum": "PT0S"                    }                },                "service": {                    "serviceNameFile": "",                    "tcp": {                        "additionalPorts": "3078,8000-8080",                        "excludedPorts": "1024",                        "links": [                            {                                "href": "https://hostname:3780/api/3/...",                                "rel": "self"                            }                        ],                        "method": "SYN",                        "ports": "well-known"                    },                    "udp": {                        "additionalPorts": "4020-4032",                        "excludedPorts": "9899",                        "links": [                            {                                "href": "https://hostname:3780/api/3/...",                                "rel": "self"                            }                        ],                        "ports": "well-known"                    }                }            },            "discoveryOnly": false,            "enableWindowsServices": false,            "enhancedLogging": false,            "id": "full-audit-without-web-spider",            "links": [                {                    "href": "https://hostname:3780/api/3/...",                    "rel": "self"                }            ],            "maxParallelAssets": 10,            "maxScanProcesses": 10,            "name": "Full audit",            "policy": {                "enabled": [                    0                ],                "links": [                    {                        "href": "https://hostname:3780/api/3/...",                        "rel": "self"                    }                ],                "recursiveWindowsFSSearch": false,                "storeSCAP": false            },            "policyEnabled": true,            "telnet": {                "characterSet": "ASCII",                "failedLoginRegex": "(?:[i,I]ncorrect|[u,U]nknown|[f,F]ail|[i,I]nvalid|[l,L]ogin|[p,P]assword|[p,P]asswd|[u,U]sername|[u,U]nable|[e,E]rror|[d,D]enied|[r,R]eject|[r,R]efuse|[c,C]lose|[c,C]losing|Not on system console|% Bad)",                "links": [                    {                        "href": "https://hostname:3780/api/3/...",                        "rel": "self"                    }                ],                "loginRegex": "(?:[l,L]ogin|[u,U]ser.?[nN]ame) *\\:",                "passwordPromptRegex": "(?:[p,P]assword|[p,P]asswd) *\\:",                "questionableLoginRegex": "(?:[l,L]ast [l,L]ogin *\\:|allows only .* Telnet Client License)"            },            "vulnerabilityEnabled": true,            "web": {                "dontScanMultiUseDevices": true,                "includeQueryStrings": false,                "paths": {                    "boostrap": "/root",                    "excluded": "/root/sensitive.html",                    "honorRobotDirectives": false                },                "patterns": {                    "sensitiveContent": "",                    "sensitiveField": "(p|pass)(word|phrase|wd|code)"                },                "performance": {                    "httpDaemonsToSkip": [                        "string"                    ],                    "maximumDirectoryLevels": 6,                    "maximumForeignHosts": 100,                    "maximumLinkDepth": 6,                    "maximumPages": 3000,                    "maximumRetries": 2,                    "maximumTime": "PT0S",                    "responseTimeout": "PT2M",                    "threadsPerServer": 3                },                "testCommonUsernamesAndPasswords": false,                "testXssInSingleScan": false,                "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)"            },            "webEnabled": true        }    ]}

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