Get Policies For Asset
Retrieves the list of policies with compliance results for the specified asset.
External Documentation
To learn more, visit the Rapid7 documentation.
Parameter | Description |
Applicable Only | An optional boolean parameter indicating the policies retrieved should only include those with a policy compliance status of either a PASS of FAIL result. Default value is false , which will also include policies with a compliance status of NOT_APPLICABLE. |
Asset ID | The ID of the asset. |
Disable SSL Enforcement | Enable this option to skip SSL verification of the server's certificatechain and host name. This may increase security vulnerabilities, but can be usefulfor testing or when custom verification is employed. |
Page | The index of the page (zero-based) to retrieve. |
Return All Pages | Automatically fetch all resources, page by page. |
Size | The number of records per page to retrieve. |
Sort | The criteria to sort the records by, in the format: property[,ASC|DESC] . The default sort order is ascending. Multiple sort criteria can be specified using multiple sort query parameters. |
Example Output
"links": [
"href": "https://hostname:3780/api/3/...",
"rel": "self"
"page": {
"number": 6,
"size": 10,
"totalPages": 13,
"totalResources": 123
"resources": [
"benchmarkName": "",
"benchmarkVersion": "",
"category": "",
"description": "",
"failedAssetsCount": 0,
"failedRulesCount": 0,
"id": "",
"isCustom": false,
"links": [
"href": "https://hostname:3780/api/3/...",
"rel": "self"
"notApplicableAssetsCount": 0,
"notApplicableRulesCount": 0,
"passedAssetsCount": 0,
"passedRulesCount": 0,
"policyName": "",
"ruleCompliance": 0,
"ruleComplianceDelta": 0,
"scope": "",
"status": "",
"surrogateId": 0,
"title": "",
"unscoredRules": 0
Workflow Library Example
Get Policies for Asset with Rapid7 and Send Results Via Email
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