To learn more, visit the PlexTrac documentation.


Filter ByChoose to filter results by the following fields.
Filter ValueThe Value to filter the results by.
LimitThe maximal number of returned results.
OffsetNumber of the results to initially skip.

Example Output

{    "status": "success",    "data": [        {            "client_id": 1963,            "name": "Evidence Test",            "tags": [                "test"            ]        },        {            "client_id": 4155,            "name": "Test Client",            "poc": "poc name",            "tags": [                "test"            ]        }    ],    "meta": {        "pagination": {            "offset": 0,            "limit": 25,            "total": 2        },        "sort": [            {                "by": "name",                "order": "ASC"            }        ],        "filters": [            {                "by": "name",                "value": "test"            },            {                "by": "tags",                "value": [                    "test"                ]            },            {                "by": "clients",                "value": [                    1963,                    4155,                    4699                ]            }        ]    }}

Workflow Library Example

List Clients with Plextrac and Send Results Via Email

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