
Account NameThe name of the account to add to the group.
Group NameThe name of the group to add the user to.

Example Output

{    "id": "",    "title": "Group",    "type": "object",    "properties": {        "name": {            "type": "string"        },        "self": {            "type": "string",            "format": "uri"        },        "users": {            "title": "Paged List Wrapper",            "type": "object",            "properties": {                "size": {                    "type": "integer"                },                "max-results": {                    "type": "integer"                },                "start-index": {                    "type": "integer"                },                "end-index": {                    "type": "integer"                },                "items": {                    "type": "array",                    "items": {                        "title": "User",                        "type": "object",                        "properties": {                            "self": {                                "type": "string"                            },                            "name": {                                "type": "string"                            },                            "key": {                                "type": "string"                            },                            "emailAddress": {                                "type": "string"                            },                            "avatarUrls": {                                "type": "object",                                "patternProperties": {                                    ".+": {                                        "type": "string"                                    }                                },                                "additionalProperties": false                            },                            "displayName": {                                "type": "string"                            },                            "active": {                                "type": "boolean"                            },                            "timeZone": {                                "type": "string"                            }                        },                        "additionalProperties": false,                        "required": [                            "active"                        ]                    }                }            },            "additionalProperties": false,            "required": [                "size",                "max-results",                "start-index",                "end-index"            ]        },        "expand": {            "type": "string"        }    },    "additionalProperties": false}

Workflow Library Example

Add User to Group with Jira Data Center and Send Results Via Email

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