List Tickets
Lists all tickets. Only tickets that have been created within the past 30 days will be returned. For older tickets, use the updated_since
External Documentation
To learn more, visit the Freshservice documentation.
Basic Parameters
Parameter | Description |
Requester Email | Add an email of a requester to see only their tickets (if an id was added this field will be ignored). |
Requester ID | Add an ID of a requester to see only their tickets. |
Sort By | Sort the tickets in ascending or descending order. |
Updated Since | Add an updated since to filter out old tickets. |
Advanced Parameters
Parameter | Description |
Additional Info | Include additional details in the response:
Type | Filter tickets by type. |
Example Output
"tickets": [
"cc_emails": [],
"fwd_emails": [],
"reply_cc_emails": [],
"fr_escalated": false,
"spam": false,
"email_config_id": null,
"group_id": null,
"priority": 3,
"requester_id": 1000000678,
"requested_for_id": 1000000670,
"responder_id": null,
"source": 2,
"status": 2,
"subject": "Ticket Title",
"to_emails": null,
"department_id": null,
"id": 266,
"type": "Incident",
"due_by": "2017-09-08T23:03:44Z",
"fr_due_by": "2017-09-08T15:03:44Z",
"is_escalated": false,
"description": "<div>this is a sample ticket</div>",
"description_text": "this is a sample ticket",
"category": null,
"sub_category": null,
"item_category": null,
"custom_fields": {
"custom_text": null,
"auto_checkbox": false
"workspace_id": 2,
"created_at": "2017-09-08T11:03:44Z",
"updated_at": "2017-09-08T11:37:01Z",
"deleted": false
"cc_emails": [
"fwd_emails": [],
"reply_cc_emails": [
"fr_escalated": false,
"spam": false,
"email_config_id": null,
"group_id": null,
"priority": 1,
"requester_id": 1000000675,
"requested_for_id": 1000000670,
"responder_id": null,
"source": 2,
"status": 2,
"subject": "Support Needed...",
"to_emails": null,
"department_id": null,
"id": 265,
"type": "Incident",
"due_by": "2017-09-11T10:34:28Z",
"fr_due_by": "2017-09-09T10:34:28Z",
"is_escalated": false,
"description": "<div>Details about the issue...</div>",
"description_text": "Details about the issue...",
"category": null,
"sub_category": null,
"item_category": null,
"custom_fields": {
"custom_text": "This is a custom text box",
"auto_checkbox": null
"workspace_id": 2,
"created_at": "2017-09-08T10:34:28Z",
"updated_at": "2017-09-08T10:34:28Z",
"deleted": false
Workflow Library Example
List Tickets with Freshservice and Send Results Via Email
Preview this Workflow on desktop