For more information, view the Microsoft Documentation.

The compliance search must completed in order to perform an action on it.

The action may succeed with “No Output” if the permissions are invalid, but the parameters are correct.

Verify that the action returns a output and that requested operation was actually performed.

Installed version: 3.5.0

Basic Parameters

Purge TypeHow to remove purged items. SoftDelete: Purged items are recoverable by users until the deleted item retention period expires. HardDelete (cloud only): Purged items are marked for permanent removal from the mailbox and will be permanently removed the next time the mailbox is processed by the Managed Folder Assistant. If single item recovery is enabled on the mailbox, purged items will be permanently removed after the deleted item retention period expires.
Search NameName or Job ID of the compliance search to attach the action to.
TypeThe type of the action.

Advanced Parameters

Include CredentialsWhether to include the credentials needed to view the results.

Example Output

{    "PSComputerName": "",    "RunspaceId": "4bc31fa8-61f9-449f-8617-4672f21c636b",    "PSShowComputerName": false,    "SearchName": "my-search",    "EstimateSearchRunId": "7a8a71ea-18b9-4cfd-5449-08db22e9e7e0",    "EstimateSearchJobId": "c2c1e1b8-0594-4108-4ef3-08db22e9a13d",    "ActionVersion": "",    "Results": "{}",    "Errors": "",    "Action": "Preview",    "ValidDuration": {        "Ticks": 1728000000000,        "Days": 2,        "Hours": 0,        "Milliseconds": 0,        "Microseconds": 0,        "Nanoseconds": 0,        "Minutes": 0,        "Seconds": 0,        "TotalDays": 2,        "TotalHours": 48,        "TotalMilliseconds": 172800000,        "TotalMicroseconds": 172800000000,        "TotalNanoseconds": 172800000000000,        "TotalMinutes": 2880,        "TotalSeconds": 172800    },    "JobId": "84d17827-e8cd-4588-ffc0-08db22ea0fbb",    "Name": "my-search",    "CreatedTime": "2023-03-12T11:08:08.473",    "LastModifiedTime": "2023-03-12T11:08:08.473",    "JobStartTime": "2023-03-12T11:08:08.55",    "JobEndTime": null,    "Description": "",    "CreatedBy": "John Doe",    "RunBy": "John Doe",    "TenantId": "b903ec40-8a55-469a-81bf-2f6a26736618",    "NumBindings": 0,    "Status": "Starting",    "ExchangeLocation": [        ""    ],    "PublicFolderLocation": null,    "SharePointLocation": null,    "OneDriveLocation": null,    "ExchangeLocationExclusion": null,    "PublicFolderLocationExclusion": null,    "SharePointLocationExclusion": null,    "OneDriveLocationExclusion": null,    "JobRunId": "284dda5c-1d78-493f-eb46-08db22ea0fc7",    "Retry": false,    "AllowNotFoundExchangeLocationsEnabled": false,    "JobOptions": 272,    "JobProgress": 0,    "CaseId": null,    "CaseName": "",    "PagingState": "",    "Identity": "284dda5c-1d78-493f-eb46-08db22ea0fc7",    "ContentURL": "",    "ResultInEOP": false,    "AzureBatchFrameworkEnabled": true,    "IsValid": true,    "ObjectState": "New"}

Workflow Library Example

Run Compliance Search Action with Exchange Online and Send Results Via Slack

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