To actually perform the search, use the Start Compliance Search action.

Use the Run Compliance Search Action action to determine what to do with the result.

For more information, view the Microsoft Documentation.

The action may succeed with “No Output” if the permissions are invalid, but the parameters are correct.

Verify that the action returns a output and that requested operation was actually performed.

Installed version: 3.5.0

Basic Parameters

Content Match QueryKeyword Query Language (KQL) query for the search. For information on how to format the query, view the KQL documentationand eDiscovery query reference. Only matched emails will be added to the results.
Exchange LocationWhere the search should take place. Can be the name of a mail group, user, or the constant all for all inboxes.
NameName for the compliance search.

Advanced Parameters

DescriptionOptional description for the search.

Example Output

{    "PSComputerName": "",    "RunspaceId": "67bf5df2-292f-4cdc-9276-65400e446699",    "PSShowComputerName": false,    "StatusMailRecipients": [],    "LogLevel": "Suppressed",    "IncludeUnindexedItems": true,    "ContentMatchQuery": "subject:microsoft",    "SearchType": "EstimateSearch",    "HoldNames": [],    "SearchNames": [],    "RefinerNames": [],    "Region": "",    "Refiners": null,    "Items": 0,    "Size": 0,    "UnindexedItems": 0,    "UnindexedSize": 0,    "SuccessResults": "{}",    "SearchStatistics": "",    "Errors": null,    "ErrorTags": [],    "NumFailedSources": 0,    "JobId": "99ef59da-d25b-4df2-837c-08db1db08bc6",    "Name": "my-search",    "CreatedTime": "2023-03-05T19:33:49.9549564Z",    "LastModifiedTime": "2023-03-05T19:33:49.9549564Z",    "JobStartTime": null,    "JobEndTime": null,    "Description": "",    "CreatedBy": "FFO",    "RunBy": "",    "TenantId": "1234567-8a55-469a-81bf-2f6a26736618",    "NumBindings": 0,    "Status": "NotStarted",    "ExchangeLocation": [        "All"    ],    "PublicFolderLocation": null,    "SharePointLocation": null,    "OneDriveLocation": null,    "ExchangeLocationExclusion": null,    "PublicFolderLocationExclusion": null,    "SharePointLocationExclusion": null,    "OneDriveLocationExclusion": null,    "JobRunId": "812982d9-5448-41f1-837c-08db1db08bc6",    "Retry": false,    "AllowNotFoundExchangeLocationsEnabled": false,    "JobOptions": 0,    "JobProgress": 0,    "CaseId": null,    "CaseName": "",    "PagingState": "",    "Identity": "1234567-5448-41f1-837c-08db1db08bc6",    "ContentURL": "",    "ResultInEOP": false,    "AzureBatchFrameworkEnabled": false,    "IsValid": true,    "ObjectState": "New"}

Workflow Library Example

Create Compliance Search with Exchange Online and Send Results Via Slack

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