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Close Ticket

To close an incident or request, update it with the optional "close" object.

This close object must contains a valid status GUID, and optional fields like "end date". Doing so, the workflow will be stopped, the incident/request will be closed and further updates will be impossible.

Upon success an HTTP 201 OK is returned. The URI to the updated resources is provided, and the HTTP Header constains a location information to redirect the client to the newly created resource.

If the record is not found, a 404 error is returned.

External Documentation

To learn more, visit the EasyVista documentation.

Basic Parameters

CommentThe closing comment for the ticket.
Status IDThe final status ID.
Ticket IDThe ID of the ticket.

Advanced Parameters

Catalog IDThe catalog ID of the ticket.
Delete ActionsShould the ticket's actions be deleted.

Example Output

"HREF": "uri"

Workflow Library Example

Close Ticket with Easyvista and Send Results Via Email

Workflow LibraryPreview this Workflow on desktop