Set up a webhook to monitor for events. ClickUp does not have a dedicated IP address for webhooks. ClickUp use their domain name and dynamic addressing. You can subscribe to specific events, and one specific location per webhook. For more information, please refer to the ClickUp Webhooks Documentation.

External Documentation

To learn more, visit the ClickUp documentation.


EventsThe events that will trigger the webhook.
Folder IDThe folder ID.
List IDThe list ID.
Space IDThe space ID.
Task IDThe task ID.
Team IDThe ID of the team (Workspace team type).
Webhook EndpointYour domain webhook’s endpoint.

Example Output

	"id": "4b67ac88-e506-4a29-9d42-26e504e3435e",
	"webhook": {
		"id": "4b67ac88-e506-4a29-9d42-26e504e3435e",
		"userid": 183,
		"team_id": 108,
		"endpoint": "",
		"client_id": "QVOQP06ZXC6CMGVFKB0ZT7J9Y7APOYGO",
		"events": [
		"task_id": null,
		"list_id": null,
		"folder_id": null,
		"space_id": null,
		"health": {
			"status": "active",
			"fail_count": 0

Workflow Library Example

Create Webhook with Clickup and Send Results Via Email

Preview this Workflow on desktop