Retrieves enrolled device details for the query information provided in the request seensince, seentill, enrolledsince and enrolledtill fields accept the following Valid DateTime formats : yyyy/MM/dd, yyyy-MM-dd, MM/dd/yyyy, MM-dd-yyyy, yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss.fff, yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff, MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss.fff, MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm:ss.fff, yyyy/MM/ddTHH:mm:ss.fff, yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fff, MM/dd/yyyyTHH:mm:ss.fff, MM-dd-yyyyTHH:mm:ss.fff, yyyy-MM-dd HH-mm-ss-tt, yyyy-MM-ddTHH-mm-ss-tt.


Custom AttributesList of custom attribute names [separated by comma (,)] for which values should be returned.
Enrolled SinceEnrolledSince DateTime, devices enrolled after the enrolled since datetime will be returned if present.
Enrolled TillEnrolledTill DateTime, devices enrolled till the enrolled till datetime will be returned if present.
Organization Group IDOrganization Group Identifier in which device details will be retrieved.
PlatformPlatform filter for the device details to be retrieved.
Seen SinceSeenSince DateTime, devices registered after the seen since datetime will be returned if present.
Seen TillSeenTill DateTime, devices registered till the seen till datetime will be returned if present.
Serial NumberDevice serial number for which values should be returned.

Example Output

	"EnrolledDeviceInfoList": [
			"AssetNumber": "ea856771ba6277bfca16528a79c5ce1f",
			"CustomAttributes": [
					"Application": "com.airwatch.androidagent.identity.xml",
					"Name": "identity.deviceModel",
					"Source": "Device",
					"Value": "TC25"
			"DeviceID": 1,
			"EnrolledDate": "04/24/2017",
			"FriendlyName": "TestUser's iPhone",
			"LastSeen": "04/24/2017",
			"OrganizationGroup": "TestOg",
			"Platform": "Apple",
			"RegistrationDate": "04/24/2017",
			"SerialNumber": "RZ1G124JZ6W",
			"UserName": "TestUser"

Workflow Library Example

Search Enrolled Devices with Workspace One Uem and Send Results Via Email

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